There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Dillon County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Florence County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Darlington County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Marlboro County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Marion County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
There was an unchanged number of lawyers in good standing in Williamsburg County in February compared to the previous month, according to the South Carolina Bar.
The Architectural Review Board (ARB) reviews plans for construction and demolitions to ensure the level of quality of all projects within the Design Overlay, B-1, and Historic Districts;
City Council Regular Meetings are scheduled, unless otherwise announced or noted, on the second Tuesday of each month in the Council Chambers on the first floor of City Hall, an accessible facility.
On Monday, February 27, 2023, a team from McLeod Health Seacoast and McLeod Health Loris joined co-workers from the McLeod Support Services Center in a visit to the GE Healthcare plant in Florence, S.C.
The City of Florence Athletics Department is excited to share that SIX of our All Star Basketball teams will be playing in the SCAP State Tournament for their respective age groups.